For any inquiries please contact the organizer of this event:
Tomas Veloz (CLEA-VUB, UTEM)
Registration has different fee depending on the status of the participant and the date of registration. We have a reduced registration fee until April 30th May 15th.
Registration price table:
Stage | IQSA member | Before May 15th | Fee (EUR) |
Student | Yes | Yes | 75 |
Student | Yes | No | |
Student | No | Yes | 100 |
Student | No | No | 130 |
Senior | Yes | Yes | 180 |
Senior | Yes | No | 230 |
Senior | No | Yes | 230 |
Senior | No | No | 280 |
Registration Procedure:
- Send a transfer receipt from your bank (screenshot or pdf) to indicating your name, and categories in the table above.
If you want to become an IQSA member before registration, please follow the link membership in the top left of this page.
We thank our sponsors!
(interested in sponsoring? contact the organizer)

The Sixteenth Biennial IQSA Conference Quantum Structures 2024
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, I Building (Rooms 2.03 and 1.03)
Downloads (updated to 19/07/2024):
- Poster!
- Conference program in pdf (talks schedule for each conference room)
- Book of abstracts (pdf file 10 Mb)
- Excel of abstracts (online table with metadata and links to abstracts)
- Index of Abstracts (pdf with list of authors and talks titles)
IQSA brings together researchers who design and use quantum structures, ranging from quantum logics to various formal methods that can be applied to reason about quantum phenomena including traditional topics in the foundations of quantum mechanics as well as applications in quantum computation, quantum information and quantum communication. We welcome work on quantum foundational approaches, formal applications of quantum structures to physics, mathematics and philosophy as well as interdisciplinary applications of quantum structures.
Confirmed Keynote Speakers:
Prof. Samson Abramsky (University College London, UK)
Prof. Beatrix Hiesmayr (Wien University, AT)
2024 IQSA Election Ballot: MS Word, Pdf
Special Sessions (Room I 1.03, see program above)
Besides our IQSA24 General Session (see program above), we will run special sessions on themes of particular interest for the community.
1) Quantum Causal Structures (QCS) - Chair: Ognyan Oreshkov
Summary: We welcome contributions on the subject of causal structure in quantum theory. A non-exhaustive list of topics includes: theory of quantum causal relations, higher-order processes and indefinite casual order, philosophical foundations of causality in quantum theory, causal structure in quantum gravity.
Invited speakers to QCS
Pablo Arrighi (University Paris-Saclay)
Giulio Chiribella (University of Hong Kong)
2) Quantum Across Boundaries (QAB) - Chairs: Sonja Smets, Sandro Sozzo, Emmanuel Haven.
Summary: We welcome contributions that push the boundaries of traditional disciplinary silos and harness the power of quantum concepts and methodologies to address pressing challenges and unlock new possibilities in various domains.
A non-comprehensive list of (quantum prefixed) areas: Q-artificial intelligence Q-reconstruction theories, Q-Complexity Theory, Q-Cognition, Q-Finance, Q-Biology, etc.
Special issues
Accepted submissions will be invited to submit an article to a special issues associated to the event in one of the following journals:
International Journal of Theoretical Physics deadline 31/03/2025
Editors: Diederik Aerts, Emmanuel Haven, Sonja Smets, Sandro Sozzo, Tomas Veloz
Quantum Economics and Finance (Quantum Across Boundaries, Free Publication) deadline 28/03/2025
Editors: Diederik Aerts, Emmanuel Haven, Sonja Smets, Sandro Sozzo
Theoretical Computer Science deadline 31/03/2025
Editors: Diederik Aerts, Emmanuel Haven, Sonja Smets, Sandro Sozzo
Submission Guidelines.
Please submit your proposal by March 31st 2024 through this form.
**If you cannot access the form, please submit a .pdf file at including
1. Autor(s) name(s)2. Corresponding author affiliation3. Presentation Title4. Abstract (500-1000 words)5. Keywords (3-5)6. Special session (optional)
For any inquiries please do not hesitate to contact us at .
Hotel suggestion:
We suggest participants to book a room in Hotel Bedford because social dinner will take place there.
Suggested arrival date:21/07/2024
Suggested departure date: 27/07/2024
Please book yourself following the instructions in this form so you can have a special price we arranged with them.
Note that the price will be kept until a deadline, and that availabilities are limited. We encourage you to book as soon as possible.
I building VUB (see map)
50.823103824707, 4.3979881908435
Social Activities
Concert + Social dinner:
On Wed. 24th of July at 19:00, there will be a cocktail for 15 min followe by a concert where Little Symphonic Duet will perform classical and folk music for nearly 30 min. The concert will be followed by a social dinner at the Hotel Bedford. Both events will happen at the Magellain restaurant, second floor at Hotel Bedford (stairs left to the reception).
Trip to the Forest:
On Thursday 25th of July afternoon, participants are welcome to join to a walk in the Sonian Forest (Zonienwoud), an ancient woodland sanctuary and one of the largest urban forests in Europe. The access will be made by local transport (train station 200mts from the conference venue, 5 min train route). We will meet at 13:50 at Gare de Etterbeek, and we will start at 14:30 from Groenendaal Station.This train route is helpful.
Scientific Committee
Diederik Aerts (VUB, Belgium)
Vasileios Basios (ULB, Belgium)
Marcoen Cabbolet (VUB, Belgium)
Maria Luisa Dalla Chiara (UNIFI, ITALY)
Karen Francois (VUB, Belgium)
Jan Hamhalter (CVUT Czech Republic)
John Harding (NMSU, USA)
Francis Heylighen (VUB, Belgium)
Federico Hernan Holik (CONICET, Argentina)
Anna Jenčová (SABVA, Slovakia)
Viv Kendon (Strath, UK)
Federico Laudisa (UNITN, Italy)
Antonio Ledda (UNICA, Italy)
Roberto Leporini (UNIBG, Italy)
Olimpia Lombardi (UBA, Argentina)
Massimo Melucci (UNIPD, Italy)
Mirko Navara (CVUT, Czech Republic)
Ognyan Oreshkov (ULB, Belgium)
Martin Papco (KU, Slovakia)
Miklos Redei (LSE, United Kingdom)
Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh (UCL, UK)
Massimiliano Sassoli de Bianchi (VUB, Belgium)
Giuseppe Sergioli (UNICA, Italy)
Sonja Smets (UVA, The Netherlands)
Sandro Sozzo (UNIUD, Italy)
Karl Svozil (TUWien, Austria)
Bart Van Kerkhove (VUB, Belgium)
Paola Verruchi (UNIFI, Italy)
Margherita Zorzi (UNIVR, Italy)
Local Committee (VUB, Belgium)
Diederik Aerts (VUB, Belgium)
Francis Heylighen (VUB, Belgium)
Matthew McCarthy (VUB, Belgium)
Floor Schukking (VUB, Belgium)
Olha Sobetska (VUB, Belgium)
Sandro Sozzo (UNIUD, Italy)
Karin Verelst (VUB, Belgium)
Web Design
Gabriel Herrera (UTEM, Chile)