Hubert Van Belle was born in 1943. He received the degree in electro-mechanical engineering and the Ph.D. degree in mechanics from the KU Leuven in 1969 and 1974 respectively. After his industrial career in GTE ATEA, BN, and Bombardier Transportation, he returned to the division PMA for EUREKA Factory in 1999. He was the co-founder of the BIRA working party System Theory and the discussion group Worldviews. He published papers in the field of sensitivity analysis, computer integrated manufacturing (CIM) and information resource management (IRM) and contributed to books regarding worldview construction. Furthermore, he organized several conferences, seminars, talks and meetings for the industrial and academic community and on behalf of the Belgian Science Policy Office (Belspo). His main research interests include system theory, generalization and integration, technical-organizational thinking, and scientific worldviews.