Felix Ulombe Kaputu
anthropology, shamanism, interdisciplinary studies
Former researchers
Felix Ulombe Kaputu has defended his Interdisciplinary PhD in CLEA (joint with Ghent University) with the following thesis:“Chilima” and the Remaking of Chokwe Identity: An Exploratory Interdisciplinary Study on Globalization, Material Traditions and Gendered Cosmo-Polity.Promotors: Prof. Dr. Jan Broekaert (CLEA), Prof. Dr. Koenraad Stroeken (Univ. Gent) & Prof. Dr. Sandro Sozzo (CLEA & Univ. Leicester)
Dr. Kaputu's interests are Anthropology, Interdisciplinary Studies, Literature, World shamanism and Gender, and he specializes in African religion and oral tradition. He is presently teaching at Fordham University.