The COT x Music seminars are part of the research and dissemination activities of the project "The Origins of Goal-directedness: a Formal Scenario based on Chemical Organization Theory and Cybernetics". This project is performed in CLEA and funded by the John Templeton Foundation. The idea is to use Chemical Organization Theory (COT) to explain how systems of reactions self-organize so as to become autopoietic (self-maintaining) and goal-directed.
The formalism of COT expresses reactions in a very simple form, such as: a + b -> c + d, d -> f + g, ... The "molecules" (a, b, c...) in these reactions can stand for the most diverse things, including chemicals, statements, musical notes, biological species and people. The reactions express how combinations of these things (reactants) produce combinations of other things (products). For example: cows + grass -> cows + milk + dung. The network of reactions forms an autopoietic "organization" if all things that are consumed by some reactions are produced again by other reactions, so that the whole functions as a self-sustaining cycle.
To complement the mathematical and computer modelling in the project, we wish to explore potential ArtScience implementations of these ideas, in collaboration with our international partners. In particular, we are interested in musical and other artistic renderings of these processes of self-organization. Thus, the seminar cycle intends to discuss the relations between COT and related topics in systems biology and artificial life with Generative Music (in short, music created by algorithmic structures), and other forms of generative and adaptive art.
Previous COT x Music seminars:
COT x Music #1: Introduction by Dr. Tomas Veloz (Youtube / Facebook)
COT x Music #2: Generative Tool by Prof. Christian Jendreiko (Youtube / Facebook)
COT x Music #3: Autopoietic systems by Felix Lazo (Youtube / Facebook)
COT x Music #4: My Little Grundgestalten by Dr. Vincenzo de Florio (Youtube / Facebook)
COT x Music #5: Can we hear self-organization? by Dr. Tomas Veloz and Dr. Vincenzo de Florio (Youtube / Facebook)
COT x Music #6: From Data to Music and back: Sonification, music and COT from the UX design perspective by Carsten Heisterkamp (Youtube / Facebook)
Foundation for the Interdisciplinary Development of Science, Technology and the Arts, Chile

- Practical info-
COT x Music #3: Autopoietic systems - Felix Lazo
From performance to interactive installations
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COT x Music #2: Generative tool - Prof. Christian Jendreiko
Artificial Fiction: Towards an application of COT as a generative tool
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COT x Music #1: Introduction - Dr. Tomas Veloz
Introduction to the basics of COT by Dr. Tomas Veloz
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COT x Music #5: Can we hear self-organization? - Dr. Tomas Veloz & Dr. Vincenzo de Florio
Zoom Meeting link:
Meeting ID: 974 6991 5284
Passcode: CDfe3Y
- Practical info-
COT x Music #6: From Data to Music and Back - Carsten Heisterkamp
Zoom Meeting link:
Meeting ID: 967 1849 3859
Passcode: RmTY82
- Practical info-
COT x Music #7: Music, motion and emergentism - Stan Bundervoet
The ideas for this talk spring from my artistic research as a composer and explore the aptness of music or music perception as a tool for the analysis of complex dynamical systems (COT?).