With the upcoming Complex Anarchism Symposium, we will be exploring the intersection between anarchism and complexity science. Anarchy, despite its popular definition as a state of disorder, is rather a mode of being where we organize ourselves voluntarily, that is, without coercion from a central controller or hierarchical system. During the symposium, we aim to apply and explore the interplay between these practices and concepts in order to experiment with alternative ways to organize our society.
Below you can find more information on suggested topics, methodology and ways to contribute. In our vision text you can find more background info on the motivations and ideas underpinning this event.
Timing: May 19-23, 2025
Location: Brussels, Belgium
Get involved
We encourage any and all who want to bring their unique perspective or interests to our event. If you wish to attend, please fill out this form. That way, we can estimate the number of participants and can contact you later with more info. If you want to contribute to our organisation directly, you can reach out via the same form.
If you have a workshop or activity proposal, please add it at propositions. This can be fully worked out or a vague idea or methodology you want to try out. We aim for this to be a place of exchange and co-developing, where proposals can connect and build upon each other, or where new ideas can emerge. If you do not yet have a clear idea, take a look at existing proposals to give feedback or get inspired.
We have a Notion space for asynchronous collaboration, regular online meetings, and a Signal group for communication. If you can think of other people, places, organizations, or email lists where there might be interest, do not hesitate to share!
Across disciplines
- How can complex systems concepts help us self-organize within and between groups and societies?
- How could anarchistic principles structure human collaboration?
- How can we learn from spontaneous coordination of animals, body parts, or neurons to better organize human collectives?
Across scales
- How do system constraints and network structures (collectives vs. hierarchies) incentivize individual strategies (altruism vs. competition)?
- How do individual properties (homogeneity vs. heterogeneity) influence group-level information processing (coherence vs. adaptability)?
Alternative perspectives
- How could a decentralized economic system work (oeconomy)? How can we reorganize society to prioritize common goods or living conditions (degrowth)?
- Which kinds of features could help prevent entrapment in ‘vicious cycles’ (of corruption, wealth inequality, addiction)?
- How can we use different mathematical structures that are more 'anarchistic', e.g. not following a total order?
- How would bottom-up (active/direct) participation in complex systems differ from top-down prediction and control?
Realizing change
- How could anarchism and co-creative mutual aid groups evolve in the future?
- What role can people with a background in exact sciences play in social practices?
Our aim is to put theory into practice – to create a self-organised space for experimentation and collaboration across disciplines and scales. Rather than one-sided information transmission of typical conferences, we will develop alternative means to bring each other together and facilitate spontaneous exchange of ideas and practices. Think about unconference, open space technology, games to illustrate concepts, simulation games, LARP, future narrating, projects, hackaton, relational mapping, map out the symposium, the symposium as a game/challenge, discussions, talks, co-creation of a paper/zine,…
For a deeper exploration of the motivations and ideas underpinning this event, see our Vision. This text can also provide more background on the aforementioned topics.